Liger cubs are the hybrid species (means they are the combination of male lion and female tiger), whereas; the lion cubs are born to pure species of male lion and female lioness. The birth of the lion cubs is a natural process, whereas; the birth of the liger cubs is a man-made artificial process. So how can we distinguish between a liger cub and a lion cub? When the liger cubs are born, they have a lot of similarities and differences when compared with the lion cubs. These similarities and differences range from physical attributes, growth, weight and behavior. Let's explore in detail about the similarities and differences in between the liger cubs and the lion cubs.
When the liger cubs are born, they have spot markings and tawny brown stripes similar to that of the tiger. However; when the lion cubs are born, they only have spots and do not have any stripes. Therefore; when it comes to marking, both liger cubs and lion cubs do share some similarity. However; the markings in lion cubs fade away with the passage of time. Liger cubs, when they grow up, they only have faded stripes on their skin and don't have any markings except the facial markings. In terms of skin color, the liger cubs almost have same coloring as that of the lion cubs except for the stripes. The stripes of the liger cubs are dark tawny-brown in color while lion cubs do not have any stripes. The facial markings of the liger cub are different than that of the lion cubs and they closely resemble to that of the tiger cubs.
Both the liger cubs and lion cubs at the time of their birth are around 3 pounds in weight. However; the growth rate of the liger cubs is much faster as compared to that of the lion cubs. A lion cub doubles its weight in one week when they are born, whereas; a liger cub increases its weight by four times in the same period of time. On average; the lion cubs from birth till adulthood grows half a pound per day, whereas; liger cubs grow at around 1 pound per day on average from birth till their adulthood. Some myths reveal that ligers grow all their lives which are absolutely wrong. Ligers only grow during the first 4 years of their life just like the lions and other big cats.
Lion cubs do not like water. In captivity and also in the wild, they are very hesitant to play in pools. Lion cubs are also not very good swimmers. They will prefer not to swim if they have to! On the other hand; the liger cubs love to stay within water. They are even capable of hunting their prey within waters, as they are very good swimmers. In terms of aggression, however; lion cubs and liger cubs are almost same. Liger cubs squeal like lion cubs. Just like lion cubs and tiger cubs, the liger cubs also like to prefer long sleeps of almost 18 to 20 hours per day. The food consumption of the liger cubs is also greater than that of the lion cubs and it almost becomes double by the time a liger cub reaches its adulthood.
Some myths reveal that liger cubs are not healthy and their mortality rate is much higher as compared to the lion cubs and tiger cubs. This is absolutely wrong. A liger cub is always healthy and genetically it does not have any defect that is linked with their mortality. Its mortality rate only becomes higher, where there is a lack of basic caring. In the wild however; the mortality rate of the lion cubs is very higher. According to the National Geographic only one in five lion cubs makes it to the adulthood in a wild. However; in captivity, the mortality rate of the lion cubs is very low upon giving them the right treatment. The same is true about the liger cubs as well. Some other myths also reveal that liger cubs have confusing behavior. These myths are nothing more than a non-sense. Liger cubs have their unique behavior which is empowered by their hybrid characteristics.
Genetically lion cubs at the time of their birth have 38 chromosomes. 19 of these chromosomes come from the lioness and 19 of these chromosomes come from the male lion. The same genetics are true about the liger cubs as well but half their chromosomes come from the tigress. They have 38 chromosomes or 19 pairs of chromosomes out of which 19 chromosomes are from the male lion and 19 chromosomes are from the tigress. So genetically a liger cub's birth is a perfect matchup of chromosomes in between a male lion and a female tigress. As a result of that the female liger cubs when they grow up they are not sterile. Some liger researchers believe that male ligers can also reproduce but this claim is not proven yet.
Birth Record of Liger Cubs in China
Liger Cubs at Myrtle Beach Safari